Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chicken days

What a nice, quiet little day today was. I call days like these Chicken days. I have 2 days off of work so the chickens got to spend most of the day outside. It started out a little below freezing with a very cool wind. It warmed up about 1:00 PM. Above is a photo of Cluckster and Big Momma. They are new partners in crime.
Above is a photo of (l to r) Weezy, Phoebe, Scroungey and Tina Weena on the East side of our house under my Honeysuckle & Trumpet vine. It's their new favorite dust batheing spot. There's a large window right above them (that you can't see in the photo) so I can chicken watch if I like.

Now this photo above is of my Ole'Bitty. She's a genuine laying machine. Her eggs are always so smooth and pretty. She's a Buff Orpington. Ole'Bitty is very opinionated, loud, a great broody hen and very friendly. She's always on the move, so I was lucky to get this photo of her stationary for a few seconds.
Not much of anything else going on today, just another Chicken day.


Virginia Killmore said...

Oh my god I love chickens Too I was adollmaker for years and one of my favorite dolls I made wa a woman riding a rooster. thanks for the lovely comment on my card and that stamp set is so beautiful It was asnap to make a card from it!

Crazy Chicken Lady said...

Virginia, You're a very talented card maker. I'm jealous!!! I'd buy those cards in a heartbeat in a store.

Nancy M. said...

Very pretty girls! I wish one of my buffs would go broody. I really need some new hens.

Sharon/primthyme said...

I love those chickens,thank you for sharing !!
Happy Easter
Prim Hugs & Blessings,

Paula said...

Beautiful hens- I just love all your pictures!! (And your blog, too!)

Kelly said...

Enjoyed your girls having a nice outing. :) I can always tell when my chickens are the happiest. That would be when the sun is shining and it is warm. There isnt so much grumpiness and fussing. I like that, Chicken days. :)

Jen's Farmily said...

Your chickens look great! They look funny all underneath the house dust bathing! Ours have been dust bathing underneath a big tree so now a lot of the roots are showing.

Crazy Chicken Lady said...

Thank you! I love the buffs too. They really love their people. My Phoebe hen runs to me every night when I shut them up and I carry her to the roost. They are definitely one of my very favorites. My Ole' Bitty is broody like clockwork every Fall and sometimes in Spring.

Sharon, Thank you you're very welcome!

Farm Chick Paula, Thank you for stopping by! I just love chickens like you and I really enjoy reading your blog as well.

Yes, my chickens are the happiest then too. The only time they are the biggest grumps is bed time. They are so picky of who they sleep by...it's unbelievable really. LOL I need to record it.

Jen's Farmily,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, chickens for some reason really like being up against something solid when dust batheing. Kind of like Linus and his security blanket!

Ginger said...

I came over from Farm Chick Paula's blog to say hi.
I just got 10 chicks a month ago. Don't know a thing about them, but I am learning as I go. Don't know yet how many are hens.

Paula said...

Hey girl- just checking in on you- hope everything is going okay!

Crazy Chicken Lady said...

Thanks for checking in on me! I was kind of depressed about my cat's health and now I'm pulling out of it.