Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Leg problems
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Chicken Super Models
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Finally a quiet minute
This chicken above is Bevin. She's probably my best layer. She's a grouchy ole' gal, just like her mommie! It's funny I have nearly 15 nest boxes available for them and they all want in the exact same boxes. Bevin loves to wait until one of the other girls gets inside and then push them out.
On another non-chicken note, I want to thank my friends for supporting me through this last month which was rather hard for me. I love all you girls and guys! I will try to keep up with my posting this coming month with more photos.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Chicken days
Now this photo above is of my Ole'Bitty. She's a genuine laying machine. Her eggs are always so smooth and pretty. She's a Buff Orpington. Ole'Bitty is very opinionated, loud, a great broody hen and very friendly. She's always on the move, so I was lucky to get this photo of her stationary for a few seconds.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My chickens photo in a new book!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Chicken drawings
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Busy, busy, bee
Okay, now on to the chicken coop... well since I've last wrote in my blog I've added yet another chicken to our indoor chicken haus! Tina Weena started to molt in our -44F to -15F weather. It wasn't a little molt either, she lost all her tail feathers and the feathers around her tummy. I cannot understand why her and Weezy started a huge molt then. They didn't molt in October/November like the other girls. Weezy and Tina Weena are two of my best layers and they were so busy laying during that time last year, I guess they just forgot to molt. Perhaps they just wanted to eat scrambled eggs and cheese with an occaisional treat of dry cat food all winter.?! Chickens stupid? I say NOT! The rest of the gals out in the outside coops are going to get a treat today. It's warm enough that they can get out in the backyard. There's still a ton of ice and snow, but there's a few places dry enough for them to scratch around.
Big Momma who was once indoors (if you remember her from my earlier blogs) has started laying again. Her old rosecomb is so plump and blood red and her feathers are gorgeous. Big Momma is nearly show worthy. She has the golden lacing on her thighs and there's barely a break. Truly if I had a Golden Laced Wyandotte rooster who had the show worthy lacing, I'd let Ole' Bitty raise some of Big Momma's babies. Ole' Bitty was clucking the other day while on the nest softly. I bet she's about to go broody again. She wants to be a momma so badly.
Well, I'm off to cook and to try to find my USB cord so I can show everyone my chicken drawings hehehe.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Household is going to the birds...
I try to keep a keen eye on her, so she doesn’t leave any poopies around. What Eric doesn’t know won’t hurt him hehehe! When I cook anything when she’s out of the cage, her and Tony will be right under my feet begging for a piece of food. She has thought about pecking Tony, but, she wisely decided not too! He gets a little jealous if I pay too much attention to her, but all in all, they get along splendidly. Doesn’t she look rather contemplative here?
The other news from the coop is that one of my Dominique’s named Weezy (after Weezy Jefferson!) is now inside in the hospital cage. Every morning, I always watch them just to make sure that everyone is feeling 100%. Well, a few days ago I noticed that Weezy was looking a bit stressed out. I started bringing her scrambled eggs with cheese each morning with a little Baytril added in. After feeling around on her abdomen, I noticed she was molting! Molting in late January! Now her belly and under her wings are about naked with the start of new feathers barely showing. So, today, I have to make her a sweater some how. Every time I touch her a wad of feathers go flying everywhere. I don’t know why her molt is coming so very late. It seems all the hens had a bad molt this year.
Yesterday morning it wasn’t too bad outside, so I put Weezy and Cluckster in the chicken ark that you saw in the photo’s. I have it stored inside a shed and I put a heat lamp hanging up for them. Once I get her sweater made I can put her and Cluckster out inside the ark during the day and bring them inside the house to roost. I was surprised that Weezy and Cluckster didn’t seem to fight at all. The only chicken that I’ve saw Cluckster be mean to is Phoebe! This summer while they were outside Cluckster would wait until Phoebe was trying to take a dust bath and she would run after her and spitefully pull out one of Phoebe’s feathers! What a stinker Cluckster is toward Phoebe! So, I cannot put her into Phoebe, Scroungey and Big Momma’s pen. Aye…chicken politics! There’s a photo of my “darling” chicken sweater hehhehe….
Other than that there’s not too much going on in the coops. The girl’s are getting really bored with winter. I think once it warms up, I can again try to integrate Cluckster and Weezy back into their original flock.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Prayers please
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Cabin Fever, Chickens & Gardening...
Awards for my blog..from Sharon at PrimThyme
Thank you so much, Sharon!
This award is passed to bloggers for showing great Attitude and/or Gratitude.The rules of this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
And now I get to pass the award on to 10 blogs that I enjoy reading. I don't know each of the bloggers so if I don't know the names, I'm just going to mention their blogs here. I think these are great for finding new and interesting blogs to read.
1. Sara at Harvest Moon Homestead
2. Nancy at
3. Susan at
4. JoAnn at
5. Amy at
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Chicken Whisperer?
One of my wonderful pen pals sent me a "Chickens Rule" notebook for Christmas, to inspire my writing! I'm happy to say that I've finished my first rough draft of an article to submit to a poultry magazine. I've been talking to the editor via email and I'm fairly excited. There's no guarantee that I will get the article published, but, I'm going to try and try again.
Well, I'm off to bed... it is very cold, -22. I have a kerosene out in the coop to keep the girls warm. I do thank the Lord for his many blessings and provisions this year and in the last year. He truly has gave me more than I deserve. Why he loves me, I have no idea, but, I'm so very thankful.
Ps- I've been getting 5-8 eggs a day through this horrid cold weather. Not too bad for hens past the 2 year old mark!